Arschkarte – Wer hat die Arschkarte gezogen?

Who pulled the ass card? How long was the longest traffic jam that ever occurred in road traffic? How high can a kernel of corn bounce when making popcorn? And how long does it take a squirrel to gnaw off a pine cone?
Arschkarte is a rousing and extremely entertaining game with more than 400 interesting and crazy questions that all have one thing in common: They are funny, wacky and almost impossible to answer correctly. But luckily you don't have to... Who has drawn the ass card? You collect points if your answer is closest to the correct solution and you give the correct guess as to who drew the ass card - namely the player who is furthest off the mark with their answer. To guess, you hand your red ass card to the player you think has the correct answer before the correct answer is announced. Good luck, good luck, good luck. Get ready for lots of absurd guesses and funny answers! Arschkarte is the perfect souvenir and a real mood maker for parties, family celebrations or successful game evenings.
Important notes
Caution! Not suitable for children under 36 months.
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