Learn to Play the new TCG - Star Wars Unlimited - Quickstart Rules
The long-awaited card game set in the Star Wars universe is just around the corner. Following the tremendous success of Lorcana, Disney's new card game, and Flesh and Blood, our Star Wars characters are now appearing in card form as well. After the first golden age of card games with Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Pokémon, we are now entering the second golden age of collectible card games. The game incorporates elements from MTG and Hearthstone but also introduces new mechanics such as simultaneous turns and two different playing fields: space and ground. Overall, the game is highly strategic and entertaining and should definitely be tried out by everyone. Personally, I already love the game and am excited to meet as many of you as possible at tournaments in our bar in Stettbach, Zurich.
Quickstart Rules
The goal of the game is to reduce the opponent's HP (Hit Points) to 0. Typically, each player starts with 30 Hit Points.

The most important card type are Units. These are needed to attack the opponent's base and enemy Units. Also important are the strength and the health of the Unit, they determine what happens in battle. In the top right corner, it indicates whether the card is placed in the Space area or the Ground area. In the top left corner are the costs required to play the card, as well as the Aspects.

Events are cards with a one-time effect that occurs when the card is played. To play Events, their costs must also be paid.

Upgrades are played on Units and enhance their strength and health. Additionally, they grant Units additional abilities.

You start the game with a Base and a Leader in play. These determine which Aspects are allowed in your deck. Aspects of your cards that are not depicted on your Leader or your Base cost an additional 2 resources to play. Bases and Leaders have abilities (Actions) that can be performed during your turn, or Epic Actions, which can only be performed once per game. The Epic Action of your Leader usually involves bringing your Leader into play as a Unit to join the fight.
Start of the game
The Leaders and Bases of both players are placed opposite each other. Both players draw 6 cards from their deck. If they do not wish to keep these cards, they may shuffle them back into the deck once and draw 6 cards again. Afterwards, both players select 2 cards from their hand and place them face down as Resources in play. These are used to pay the costs of cards. Cards typically enter play exhausted (meaning rotated 90 degrees), but these two Resources at the beginning enter play ready
Players take turns, and each can perform one action. The player with the initiative starts (the initiative is determined at the beginning of the game). Possible actions include:
- Playing a card: To do this, you must exhaust resources equal to the cost of the card (rotated 90 degrees). Cards that are exhausted cannot be exhausted again until they are readied in between.
- Attacking: You may attack with one of your Units either the opponent's base or an opponent's Unit in the same area (Space or Ground). To do this, you must exhaust your Unit. Your Unit deals damage to the target of the attack equal to its Strength. If the target of the attack is also a Unit, that Unit also deals damage to your Unit equal to its Strength. Damage markers are placed on the corresponding card. If a Unit has at least as many damage markers as it has health, it dies. If a base has at least as many damage markers as it has health, the player who owns the base loses.
- Executing an action of one of your cards: To do this, you must pay the costs of the respective action (usually exhausting the card or resources) to execute the effect of that action.
- Pass: If you are the first player to pass this round, you may receive the initiative (which allows you to start the next round with an action). After you pass, you may not take any actions this round.
The round ends when both players pass.
End of Round
At the end of a round, both players draw 2 cards. Then, they may each play one of their hand cards face down as a Resource. Afterwards, all players ready their cards and resources again (upright, so they can be exhausted later) and the next round begins.
Closing Words
These were the Quickstart rules of Star Wars Unlimited, a game by Fantasy Flight Games. The complete rules can be found on their website, but the Quickstart rules should be sufficient for the first game. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I do. Feel free to visit our bar in Stettbach for cool events or order Star Wars Unlimited products from our online shop. We thank you very much.