The TwoMoons crew draws maps and sets off for the land of unicorns - Part 1
Ever heard of Unstable Unicorns? Yes, at TwoMoons you'll find Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece, Disney's Lorcana and Star Wars: Unlimited as well as other exciting, fun and friendship-threatening board and card games (at your own risk!) ☺ And ui ui ui... In my opinion, Unstable Unicorns is right at the top in terms of friendship-threatening. Probably just below Twilight Imperium.
But more on that later... first things first: To get away from everyday life and the current organisational stress, the TwoMoons crew got together on 1 May for a cosy barbecue and games day. First of all, arrive, make yourself comfortable with a drink and fire up the charcoal barbecue. The weather is glorious and the atmosphere is relaxed. Jonas introduces a few games and we decide in favour of Kartograph.
A cosy and fun strategy game in which you have to solve tasks according to the seasons in order to collect points. All players receive a card with squares to fill in. There are four different basic fields that can be marked: Houses, forests, water and fields. There are also cards that allow you to draw nasty sabotage goblins on opponents.

In the centre of the table is a draw pile and the four seasons. Underneath are the queen's tasks. These are assigned to the letters from "A" to "D" and give corresponding points at the end of a season. For example, in summer and spring, one point is awarded for each column and each row that has a forest field drawn on it.
A card is revealed from the draw pile. This indicates which type of field must be drawn in which size or shape. All players must now decide where to draw this on their card. You have to make sure that you don't take up too much space for other seasons and/or whether you can score points in the other seasons. Once everyone is through, the next card is drawn.
If a goblin ambush card is drawn, everyone passes on their card in an anti-clockwise or clockwise direction. Here you can draw the given shape on others and sabotage the card so that the tasks are difficult to solve. Once the goblins have been drawn, you return the card and receive your own again, only now with goblins on it. ☹
Once a season is over, everyone counts their points and moves on to the next one. Once all seasons have been completed, the person with the highest total number of points wins.
Buy Der Kartograph here.
Céline keeps looking at what Andy is writing on his sheet and corrects him a few times. Does he not get the game or is he trying to cheat? Well, Kartograph does need a bit of concentration and Andy keeps running to the barbecue to check that he's doing the right thing, so maybe that just disturbs his concentration...?
Edu once again can't decide which fields to fill in and erases and fills in again... and erases again... and fills in again... As everyone has to wait, Tobi goads him that he has committee issues. This quickly becomes a running joke, as Edu is not the only one with commitment issues at the table.
Meanwhile, Jonas proudly boasts that he has never lost at Kartograph. However, Laura informs us that she has indeed won against him before. She has won against him before. Nevertheless, Jonas seems to be on a win streak in this game.
All the others, especially Thies, set themselves the goal of ending this streak. Jonas' win streak lasts three rounds. He has won all his games so far, even if only by a very narrow margin. However, this is about to change in the fourth game: Thies gives it his all and wins by one point! Jonas' "year-long" win streak has come to an end.
Andy, who still feels like he's being watched by Céline, has scored the fewest points. Does he still not get the game after three times or is it because of Céline's controlling gaze?
Dinner is ready! Perfect! So much concentration makes you hungry. We set the table, get everything off the barbecue and top up our drinks. We all enjoy chicken, grilled vegetables, various salads and snacks together at a large and generously laid table. Tobi has brought chocolate-coated dates as a small dessert, which are gone in no time. Finished eating, cleaned up and somewhat digested, we move on to the next game.
We have now played Kartograph and we don't want to give Jonas the chance to start his next win streak right away. We're happy to let Thies be the winner of Kartograph for a little longer ;)
Jonas pulls a coloured box out of his pocket, which will soon endanger the relaxed atmosphere...
Enter: Unstable Unicorns! Stay tuned for part two...