CATAN - Explorers & Pirates
"Pirates ahead" echoes the call from the lookout. A pirate ship blocks the strait, making further travel to the destination impossible. "What to do?" asks the captain. Attack? Pay tribute? Avoid and take a detour? The players decide! Is there enough gold in the treasury to buy passage? Are there other lucrative targets or a convenient detour? A warning shot is always an option, but what to do if the pirate remains unimpressed? In the expansion "Explorers & Pirates," players leave the island of Catan, where, apart from pesky robber bands, few dangers lurk. Sent out by the Catanian Council, they venture into unknown territories to establish new outposts. But they are not just explorers and settlers - the Catanian Council has various vague pieces of information about the archipelago beyond the horizon. New missions bring new adventures. This expansion can only be played in conjunction with the base game.
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