Pegasus Spiele
Doodle Dungeon (deutsche Ausgabe)

The dungeon masters are unanimous: an end to the torment of constant rent increases by the dungeon rental companies. They need their own dungeon. And as luck would have it, the players were able to secure a splendid specimen at a super bargain price during their last shopping trip to the Fallen Outlet Center. But on their first visit, the proud new dungeon owners realize why their dungeon was a bargain: where there should be maze-like corridors, traps and monsters, there is instead a yawning emptiness. But the hero season is approaching and the treasures need to be defended from the oncoming heroes. So it's off to the hardware store to start decorating the interior before the overzealous hero reaches his own dungeon.
In Doodle Dungeon, cards are first drafted to create your own dungeon. Whenever a person takes a card, the dungeon elements depicted on it are immediately drawn into their own map. Once all 14 cards have been taken, your own dungeon is passed to the person on your left. This person now draws a route for the dummy hero and then hands the map back. Now everyone places the hero figure on the respective starting space and lets them take the marked path through the dungeon, fighting monsters and collecting treasures, turn by turn. The cards you collect can help you in your own dungeon or support the heroes of other players.
Important notes
Caution! Not suitable for children under 36 months.
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